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New Cure for Psoriasis 2023

In the early stages of psoriasis disease, psoriasis patient should avoid using highly irritating drugs, such as certain ointments and tinctures with high concentration and strong irritation, which can cause irritant dermatitis, thereby aggravating the generalized type of psoriasis, or transforming into erythroderma type. and universal pustular psoriasis.

Simply irradiating ultraviolet light to treat psoriasis is currently widely used clinically around the world. However, when some patients are eager for quick results or medical staff blindly over-expose regardless of the patient's tolerance, it may cause ultraviolet dermatitis. If the exposure is not stopped in time and care is not taken properly, psoriasis may be aggravated.

TCM Treatment of Psoriasis:

To diagnose psoriasis from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, correct syndrome differentiation is required. Because there are many types of TCM syndrome differentiation of psoriasis, and each individual is not unique, such as blood heat, blood stasis, blood dryness and other important types. Of course, for each individual, he/she may not only have a simple blood heat type, but may also be matched with other types. Blood heat and blood stasis may be together, so the TCM syndrome differentiation is only a rough classification. For each individual, Chinese medicine will differentiate the syndrome through the individual, and then apply syndrome differentiation and treatment. Therefore, the clinical treatment of psoriasis with traditional Chinese medicine is an individualized treatment, that is, the doctor gives him/her a syndrome classification based on the clinical manifestations, the pulse, the tongue coating, etc., and the method of medicines should be adjusted frequently according to the changes in the individual's condition.

Traditional Chinese medicine mainly includes internal treatment and external treatment for psoriasis, usually combination.

If your Psoriasis hasn't stopped spreading or your former treatment has no effect,we're here to help. You can add Our WhatsApp: +008615313060779 or Email Us :

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