Vitiligo Treatment: Traditional Chinese Medicine Fumigation
The cause of vitiligo is not known. Some people thinks that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, which always occur to people when their immune system mistakenly attacks human body and internal organs. Because different vitiligo patients have different causes, vitiligo treatment will be more difficult and hard. But the root cause is their melanin deficiency. Some are because of the deficiency of trace elements, some are because of the tyrosinase problems and endocrine disorder. And it is also possible that one or more genes may make a person more likely to get the disorder. Therefore, vitiligo treatment must be prudent and professional.
According to the traditional Chinese medicine fumigation theory, combining modern science and technology researched Chinese medicine fumigation instruments, which is controlled by microcomputer, applying two-orbit asynchronization working mode and the synergistic effect of hot, medicines and pressure to reach the treatment results. Hot will make slagking striae, develop the pore, promote blood circulation to remove meridian obstruction, loose spasmodic muscles. The liquefied liquid molecules can rapidly spray to lesion positions under the effect of pressure, it can permeate lesion positions via outspread pore and loosened skin. This therapy will not only benefit medicine absorption, but also have treatment effect for patients. The therapy is the best assistant therapy for various types vitiligo.
If you want a further knowledge about vitiligo causes, you can send your own problem to and we will give you a professional solution. After all, the symptoms are similar, but the real conditions are different.To cure this illness,we need to find the authentic pathogenesis according to different conditions of different patients.

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