Pay Attenction to Use Laser Therapy in Treating Vitiligo
The UV ray generated by the excimer laser is delivered via a hand held wand that focuses on the psoriatic or vitiligo lesion directly. Most clinical studies on the use of excimer laser therapy have focused on patients with localized vitiligo involving less than 10 or 20% of the body. In the article I will introduce the indication, contraindication and abnormal reaction after treatment.
Indication and contraindication: (excimer 308nm laser radiation is same as the TV radiation for human body)
Indication: vitiligo, leukoderma, psoriasis.
Contraindication: photosensitive patients, patients with keloid or with a history of keloid formation, patients with melanoma or with a history of melanoma formation, invasive squamous carcinoma cell patients, from the principle to say pregnant women not allow having treatment, protect the eyes strictly during the treatment.
Abnormal reaction after treatment:
Blister on local area of body, we can prick the blister, and apply some erythromycin ointment on the skin, we cancontinue the treatment after the skin is recovered
The course of treatment and the area:
Three to five times per week, seven weeks to twelve weeks as one course of treatment. the treat area is determined by the physician.
Then, they highlight the advantages of this treatment compared to other forms of laser treatment such as narrowband UVB. However, in reality, patients with localized vitiligo would typically not be considered for UV therapy since this would expose unaffected skin to the adverse effects of phototherapy. So we will suggest patient to use excimer 308nm-laser therapy it will have less side effect to the skin.

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