A Chinese Girl: Successfully Treats Vitiligo
Although vitiligo is a stubborn skin disease in the world, and many patients suffer from its damage and pain. Many patients don’t give up their hope to cure this disease. Some patients’ disease is not very serious, and some patients’ condition is of decades years and their condition is very hard to treat. And some patients’ condition will continue spreading while some patients’ condition is always stable. No matter what your condition is, you should be brave and confident to defeat this disease.
Fuduoduo, a 21-year-old girl, who comes from Hebei province Zhangjiakou city, China. Four years ago, Fuduoduo found her left hand a piece of white spot having the same size with a soybean. At that time, she didn’t pay attention to it. However, her head, face, stomach, vulva began to appear lots of white spots. She and her families became worried. They accompanied with Fuduoduo to various hospitals to get treatment(Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Beijing General Hospital of Air Force, Peking Union Medical College Hospital). But there was no obvious recovery. Occasionally, they knew Beijing Zhongke Huabei TCM Vitiligo Hospital. In this hospital, she did some necessary examinations, such as wood lamp checks, blood checks,skin CT, trace elements checks and etc. Then the experts made her some treatment plans according to her vitiligo condition. After systematic treatment, her vitiligo got recovered.
If you want a further consultation, you can send your problems to vitiligocure@hotmail.com and we will try to give you professional solution. The symptoms are similar, the causes and treatments should based on the individual condition.

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