The Diets of Vitiligo
The vitiligo has many causes, and the improper foods can worsen vitiligo too. And some foods are good for vitiligo, while some can also worsen your vitiligo, so there is a need to know about which type of food is good for you, and there is a necessary to figure out the foods that can worsen your vitiligo.
Your doctor should have told you that the vitiligo patient should pay more attention on the diets, especially the vitamin C fruits. Then what kinds of fruits are rich of vitamin C?
There are some of the fruits that you should pay attention to like mango, lemon, orange, grape, apple, strawberry, pineapple, tomato, kivi and cherry.
There are too many types of fruits contain vitamin C, then what kinds of foods you can eat? There are 3 types of fruits you can eat like pear, watermelon, and banana.
Besides the vitamin C, there are some other tips you should know about. Alcohol and smoking are bad for you, if you have the experience that you smoking, drinking alcohol heavily and stay up too late one week, then you will find that the white patches will obviously spread to the other areas.
The seafood and lamp are not good for you, so you should stop eating them. The beef, chicken you can still eat.
Don’t give yourself too much pressure that can worsen the white patches to spread and get white. On the other side, if you keep an easy mood, then your vitiligo can also get better and much easier to show the treatment effects.
As we all know that vitiligo is a auto-immune disorder, so we should also increase our immune system. So you can do more exercise to increase the immune system like swimming, jogging and walking.
The diets and lifestyle change can’t treat vitiligo, but which can greatly improve the vitiligo condition and curb the expansion of it. So if you want a further step of knowledge, you can send to and you can also consult our online doctor.

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